Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012


Notice under Regulation 10: Key Decision where less than 28 days’ public notice has been given.


Pursuant to Regulation 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 (‘the Regulations’), I hereby give Notice that:-


The Executive intends to make a Key Decision on 20 February 2024 regarding the following report entitled: Update regarding the Recommission of the current York Reablement Service.


Purpose of Report: To provide an update with regards to the re-recommission of the Reablement Services and to submit a new Procurement timeline that includes a 6-month extension.

The report will ask the Executive to approve the continuation of the re-commission of York Reablement Services, with a 6-month extension period to the previous timescales shared. Enabling the contract to complete the tender process, contract award and mobilisation with a new service in place for the 30 September 2024.


Approve the approach to combine both Rapid Response services and contracts into one, as part of the Reablement Service. Tendering both the Reablement and Rapid Response services as one opportunity to the market via a tendering process.

It has not been possible to give 28 clear days’ notice of the intention to make the Key Decision because the option to combine both Rapid Response services into one service, one contract and one tendering process is a recent development opportunity. This approach provides significant benefits in terms of achieving value for money, consistency of terms and conditions and ensures that the necessary approvals to proceed are obtained. The new timetable for the Reablement re-commission will enable the approach described above to be progressed and implemented. 


Contact: Judith Culleton, Corporate Director of Adult Services & Integration, judith.culleton@york.gov.uk






Dated: 07 February 2024

Dawn Steel, Democratic Services Team Leader



As required by Regulation 10 of the Regulations, the Chair of the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management has been informed.


Pursuant to Regulation 10 (3) this Copy of the Notice was made available at City of York Council for inspection by the public and published on the Council’s website on 20 June 2018.